Community Supported Bread: Baker's Choice

$32.00 every month

Too many emails? Too much to think about? Tired of ordering every week?

We know how you feel! Let’s make it easy!

Monthly bread subscriptions now available. Choose your pick up day preference, Thursday or Saturday? Do you prefer a round boule or a sandwich ready pan?

Weekly on the day of your choice, you’ll have a bread waiting for you at 25 Katonah Avenue, pick up time is between 11 and 2.

Baker’s choice will give you the loaf we are most excited about baking that week. Like a delicious surprise? go for it!

PLEASE let me know of any allergies, so we can accommodate.

If you choose sliced, please be aware we will slice what we can, but do not slice breads with nuts, seeds, or sticky fruits! Our slicer does not like that- nor do folks with allergies who have plain loaves sliced on the same machine. Thanks for understanding.

If you would like 2 loaves a week, just change the number in you checkout basket to 2 of this item, and we will pack 2 of our favorites for you weekly.

As a bread subscriber, you will be charged monthly

pick up day:
Boule or Pan?: